Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Up To No Good Again...

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Our Camera Is Working Again...

As the days get hotter and hotter, the bunnies get
lazier and lazier. (At least Puppy does.)

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Cutest Site Ever!

It's Been Awhile

I usually let the bunnies out in the morning while I get ready for work. This morning I left the bedroom door open and they both decided to go
under the bed. I figured they couldn't get into too much trouble under there.

So, I went about my business and than I saw Browny run out of the bedroom. I walk into the bedroom and I don't see Aaron but I can
hear him yelling at Puppy. I look and Aaron is
trying to push Puppy out from under the bed. I guess Puppy was chewing on the bed. Not good.

I see Aaron push Puppy. Puppy doesn't move. I see Aaron push Puppy again. I see Puppy lay down.

Monday, May 08, 2006


I got a new job this morning! I'll be working as a bridal consultant at Formalities, a bridal shop in town. :)

Friday, May 05, 2006

Sidewalk Chalk Guy

Check out his other drawings here.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

What I Did Today...

-Wrote another paragraph to my bunny story, "Two Buddies."

-Watched all 3 Lord of the Rings.

-Baked a cake.

-Set up bunny bariccades so Browny couldn't get behind the couch or under the computer desk. He wasn't too happy.

This is my life. I hope our camera gets fixed soon. I have a really cute bunny video that I want to show.