Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Truth Be Told

Ok, the truth must be told. Browny is getting fat. Now, I know some of you are thinking that it's perfect for him to get fat. Rabbits are better eating when fat. But that is not the case. I couldn't eat Browny. He's way to cute, even if he is fat.

We let him out of the cage most of the day so you'd think he'd get exercise. He doesn't. He'll run for a few minutes and than lay down. Or if he doesn't lay down he'll sit in one spot and try to pull the carpet up and chew it. Stupid.

You can tell in this pic that he's gained a little weight. Poor bunny. It's come to the point that when he's out of food in his cage (which is almost never) that he'll start eating his bedding. I guess I don't mind it too much because I know it doesn't hurt him. But it annoys me because I feel like I'm always putting more bedding in there. I've just decided to not put new bedding in there until I clean his cage. That should help the problem. I think.

I used to have his cage right up against the wall. But the last time I cleaned it I left 3 inches between the wall and the cage. Now for some reason Browny spends all his time there. I think he feels safe. The thing is I can easily pick the cage up with one hand and him with the other. It is funny to see though. The best thing to watch is when he gets hyper (he gets that way from Aaron giving him sugar) he'll run around the house. Sometimes he'll run behind the cage. One time I had accidently put his bag of food at one end of the cage. Browny didn't realize this. He ran straight into it. He didn't get hurt though. I'm beginning to think he never gets hurt. Unless maybe I stepped on him. That could hurt.


At 11:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is so cute! I want a bunny... or I could just have Brownie! JK... I couldn't take him away from you! Have a great day!

At 3:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

he looks huge! jkjk i have heard bunnies eat when they are bored so maybe get him some more toys for his cage

At 4:30 PM, Blogger Jilb said...

I did get him toys. He doesn't play with them. He doesn't even chew on them! He's just odd...

At 2:43 PM, Blogger [ brooke ] said...

Aww.. Chubby bunny! Have you ever played that game?

At 2:56 PM, Blogger JC said...

I love Chubby Bunny Chubby Bunny Chubby Bunny Chubby Bunny Chubby BunnyChubby BunnyChubby BunnyChubby Bunny


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