Bad Puppy! Bad!

I'm trying, I really am. It took less than two days for Browny to be litterbox trained. Why is it taking Puppy so much longer? I swear, I must have picked out the dumbest bunny there was. Not only does he pee and poop everywhere he's taken a liking to chewing anything and everything.
I'm going to blame it on the fact that he's still a little bunny. Maybe when he grows up he'll know better. (Does anybody want a bunny?)
I like your blog! Lovely bunnies, albeit a bit dumb, as you say.
I am Portuguese, so excuse any mistakes I make. Visit me at my new blog!
I like the new header. WHat did you use to design it?
As far as training goes, I hate to say it (so I'll type) but Gina still isn't trained, and it's been 9+ years.
(The Word Verification is "Shipop". Sounds like a 50's lyric...shipop, shipop, boddop shipop.)
I helped Jill make the header by slapping a bunch of pictures together in MS Paint.
Lame, I know, but quick and simple.
Oh I would just love a cutie holland lop bunnie! Too bad we're not allowed any animals in our apartment. :-(
I know they make stuff that you can spray on the cords that are safe for animals- yet will train them not to chew- I think it's called "Bitter Apple".
Good luck!
I just love the bunny pics- so does Lauren.
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