Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Free pizza

Tonight we went to the last night of free pizza at the Green Mill. If you buy a pop you get free pizza. Which really isn't a bad deal. I mean free pizza with a $2 pop! Nice!

I can say that I wasn't really impressed with the service. Our waitress was great but the rest of the people working there seemed clueless on what was going on. When we walked in the first person we met said that the Wed. night free pizza thing was still going on but had changed. We're like, "How did it change?" She had no idea. She told us to go talk to the bartender. The bartender was on the phone so we decided to just sit down at a table. Our waitress came over and we asked her what had changed and she had no idea. She had to go ask someone and found out nothing had changed. I swear the people that were working today had no idea what was going on! You would think that since the Green Mill had been around since 1935 they would know what's going on. Oh well.

The pizza was good and it was free. You can't beat that.

"For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart." Hebrews 4:12


At 7:12 PM, Blogger Reinman said...

A link to an obscure Matt Groening cartoon?

I'm pretty sure you have the hippest blog on the net.

That's right--"hip."

At 7:52 AM, Blogger Mrs. Cournia said...

I've never been impressed with my service at Green Mill, either. Something always seems to go wrong...

But it's overlookable (plus I try to have compassion on them since I have a job like theirs). We appreciate people like you who are nice even when we mess up.

At 2:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see you Saturday! Love your blog


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